
About the Hosts

Shauna Harrison

Shauna is an anthropology student, a freelance photographer, a researcher, and a writer with a background in marketing and communications. In her full-time gig she spends most her time framing and telling people’s stories.

Shauna is a Bibliophile, Math geek, Nerdfighter, and Ravenclaw.

Shauna has guest-hosted on other podcasts including "Your Brain On Facts" and "The Beige and the Bold".

Dan Pugh

Dan spent the first 20+ years of his career in public safety holding positions as a firefighter, paramedic, emergency manager, and disaster responder. He earned lots of letters after his name, which just make his business cards really long and obnoxious. After what seemed like a lifetime, Dan left his cushy 90 hour a week director level government job to start his own consulting business focused on preparedness and public outreach.

Throughout Dan's career, he always had a hand in public outreach. This left Dan writing scores of education materials, business documents, and short stories to help people connect to preparedness efforts. Now, Dan writes fun research - and still some preparedness outreach stuff.

Dan previously co-hosted "The Readiness Corner". He has guest-hosted on many other podcasts, some of which are even still airing.

Dan is a fan of Nerdfighteria, Discworld, Star Trek, Stargate.