This week Shauna and Dan get a new lease on life. Well, they look into the phrase, anyway. Bonus: Rhyming poems, sad commercials, and a hoarders dream come true!
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Bunny Trails: A Word History Podcast
Episode 260: New Lease on Life
Record Date: December 23, 2024
Air Date: January 1, 2025
Welcome to Bunny Trails, a whimsical adventure of idioms and other turns of phrase.
I’m Dan Pugh
And I’m Shauna Harrison
Each week we take an idiom or other turn of phrase and try to tell the story from its entry into the English language, to how it’s used today.
Welcome to Season 8 of Bunny Trails!
And if you’ve enjoyed the show, consider heading over to to show your appreciation!
Opening Hook
Some experiences make us look at our life in a whole new light. Something that might be a negative can give us perspective that changes everything. And it doesn’t have to be something negative that can give us this feeling. In fact, even the smallest occurrence can give you a whole new lease on life.
According to Merriam-Webster Dictionary, “new lease on life” means,
a chance to continue living or to become successful or popular again
End quote
The key word in the phrase is lease.
Oxford English Dictionary tells us “lease” is,
figurative with reference to the permanence of occupation guaranteed by a lease; esp. in a (new) lease of life.
End quote
And this is what makes the phrase as meaningful as it is.
This figurative usage of the word lease goes back to as early as the late 1500s. We find it in print in The Collected Works of Mary Sidney Herbert Countess of Pembroke published circa 1595.
Of my graunt they had enjoy'd A lease of blisse with endlesse date.
End quote
How important are prepositions?
Both versions - using on and using of - remain popular in English-speaking regions, so we will not be distinguishing between the two.
We can find this figurative concept of a lease applied to human life in print around the mid 1600s
For that, we will look to John Milton’s An Epitaph On The Marchioness Of Winchester, published in his 1645 collection, Poems.
That to give the world increase, Shortened hast thy own lives lease.
End quote
By the end of that century the full phrase made it into print. John Dryden used it in the piece called Of Pythagorean Philosophy, in his 1700 work, Fables ancient and modern translated into verse from Homer, Ovid, Boccace, & Chaucer, with original poems, by Mr. Dryden
An Infant-Phoenix from the former springs
His Father's Heir, and from his tender Wings
Shakes off his Parent Dust, his Method he pursues,
And the same Lease of Life on the same Terms renews.
End quote;view=fulltext
The phrase has been used to indicate a revitalization of many things, not just human life. Here is one example from the January 1857 edition of the Cincinnati Medical Observer. It includes a list of medical journals, along with commentary regarding each. Here is one,
THE SOUTHERN JOURNAL, at Knoxville, has come to life again. We are glad to see it on our table once more, and trust its new lease on life will be vigorous and permanent.
End quote
The next item comes from The Motion Picture News out of New York City, New York. We look to an article from January 20, 1912.
On the alert to secure film subjects most interesting and valuable to the human race the up-to-date film manufacturers are pressing into service every phase and circumstance of modern institutions.
The world's largest sanitarium for the treatment of tuberculosis is located in the Adirondacks, and is known as the Ray Brook Sanitarium. "A New Lease On Life" is a most appropriate title for a moving picture woven around the experience of a man who by dissipation and failure to follow nature's laws, became the victim of that ravager of the white race, entered the Ray Brook Sanitarium, and by studiously following the rules laid down, he was given a "new lease on life."
End quote
I found this a fascinating piece from history. And there is a little more about it that we will discuss in our behind the scenes which airs every Friday and is available at
Our next excerpt is from an ad in the May 22, 1902 edition of LIFE out of New York, New York. We see an image of a man, playing golf and wearing traditional early 1900s golfing gear. The ad is from The Andrew Jergens Co.
Healthful exercise puts a man on good terms with himself. Followed by a brisk bath he feels - and looks - as if he had a new lease on life.
Woodbury’s Facial Soap
Tones up the muscles, prevents soreness. Gets at the pores, does away with impurities brought out by exercise, leaves skin smooth as a baby’s cheek. Soothing - healing - delightful, it is essentially a skin soap.
End quote
And if you’re wondering if it’s that Jergens… yes, yes it is. Here is a recent note from the company,
In 1901 our Jergens® classic cherry-almond lotion, now known as Jergens® Original Scent, became the best-selling hand lotion in America which remains a favorite to this day.
End quote
Usually, I don’t like to use the same source more than once for a phrase. However, this one was such a great example of the phrase. The late 1930s saw many people seeking to improve their lifestyles and dreaming of a life less troublesome. I suppose this could be said for almost any time in history. Well, the LIFE magazine December 13, 1937 edition was filled with ways for the average American to achieve their hopes and dreams. One article was titled, Miami - A New Lease on Life. It begins,
Miami’s latitude will brighten your attitude toward life - because it’s down in America’s sunswept tropics. Yet Miami is within easy reach of everyone. That’s why hundreds of families will again be in “winter quarters” here from now till spring.
New Lease on Life
Longer stays mean lower average costs, all-season family budgets are much the same as at home. Don’t dismiss this idea with a brief “Oh that’s impossible!” Investigate it thoroughly - it will mean new experiences, new thrills - a new lease on life.
First Aid in planning YOUR Miami vacation - Miami’s new Official Booklets - pictures, living costs, accommodations, sports programs - and it’s yours for the asking.
End quote
This article was an ad for the Chamber of Commerce in Miami. You just mail them the included coupon with name & address to get a copy.
Before we move to more recent items, let’s take a look at the 1963 novel by Belgian author Georges Simenon titled, A New Lease of Life. Here is the synopsis from the publisher.
Maurice Dudon is a bachelor, creature of habit, and a virtual recluse. An otherwise model employee, every Friday, he withdraws funds from the boss's cash register for his furtive, ritualistic visit to "Madame Germaine," followed by the confession he makes with gloomy delight. One day, coming out of his weekly sin, Dudon is hit by a car: it is the punishment of fate, long awaited. He is seriously injured, and the person responsible for his accident pays for the best doctors in a luxury clinic. From the twilight of a slowly easing pain, he sees the comforting figure of his nurse, Anne Marie. As their relationship moved from the purely professional to the highly intimate, Dudon feels like he has a new lease of life. But can he outgrow his old obsessions?
End quote
This is not the type of work that most who are familiar with Simenon would expect. The author published some 500 books. It’s incredible. Many of these were detective stories. So there may be some unexpected twists and turns in this one.
We have several modern uses to cover and we’ll get to those, right after we say thank you to our sponsors.
A Quick Thank You
This episode is sponsored by our amazing Patrons on Patreon. And the cool thing about Patreon is it is 100% free to join the Bunny Trails community!
We have new things every weekday on the feeds. On Monday’s we have a conversation about what movies, shows, books, podcasts and whatever else everyone is enjoying, Tuesday see early access to the weeks podcast, Wednesdays have all the links, books, songs, and other content mentioned in the weeks episode, Thursday has patron’s only polls, and Friday’s are our lightly-edited behind the scenes video featuring all the cut content, goofs, and bonus facts you could imagine.
We’ve got some other pretty cool stuff, too, like Original Digital Artwork once a month, made by ME, and direct access to talk with us. No algorithm’s getting in the way of what we see or don’t see. Plus, you can get awesome name recognition like Pat Rowe does every episode. And our top spot is currently occupied by the amazing Mary Halsig Lopez.
You can join the Bunny Trails community for free at bunny trails pod on Patreon.
Modern Uses
A new lease of life by Joanna Hunter is an article published online by The Times, April 07 2003. Here is some of the piece,
WHAT DO YOU DO when your audience has disappeared — not because people won’t come to your cinema, but because they can’t? This is what happened to the Lux. Due to financial problems East London’s best-loved art house closed its doors suddenly — and apparently permanently — one bleak afternoon in October 2001.
For the independent film world it looked like time to put down the 16mm and sign up to Disney. And then, out of the ashes rose Lux — the company. Lux the centre may have gone, but its archives remained: some 4,000 titles stretching back to the 1920s, largely inherited from the centre’s predecessors, London Film-makers Co-op and London Electronic Arts. Lux mark two, a non-profit company, was formed mainly to give access to the archives. But the problem remained — thousands of films, but nowhere to show them.
So, instead of people coming to Lux, Lux took its films to the people, putting on works in smaller, independent spaces, on a temporary basis, often alongside other projects.
End quote
The phrase was also used in an article published by the BBC News Magazine in 2010. This one titled, A new lease on life? was written by Jon Kelly. Here is a snippet that begins the article,
The "golden age of home ownership" is over, says a report by a distinguished housing organisation. But could the British ever learn to love renting?
End quote
The group MercyMe released the song New Lease On Life as a part of their 2014 album Welcome to the New. Here are some of the lyrics,
Oh Lord remind me of who I am
My chains have been shattered I'm a brand new man
I'm free indeed, I'm dead no more
At my worst I'm still adored
Oh Lord remind me, this is who I am
I've got a new lease on life
They say you only live once
But I live twice
I've got a new lease on life
I've got a new lease on life
End quote
OnWisconsin online has an article in The Arts section titled A Beloved Mosaic’s New Lease on Life. It was originally published in their Winter 2019 edition. Here is a little from the article.
As a mosaic in the busy William H. Sewell Social Sciences Building, Man — Creator of Order and Disorder has been bumped by passersby since its installation in 1963. Last May, the UW brought in Milwaukee conservator Cricket Harbeck to restore the colorful work by James Watrous…, creator of the Memorial Union’s Paul Bunyan murals and other beloved campus art. Armed with a headlamp and brushes, Harbeck returned the piece to its former glory. She even replaced some of the glass tessera tiles with identical versions from Watrous’s original supply. Miraculously, the tiles were still in campus storage, safely packed in Babcock ice cream tubs.
End quote
The piece is a really cool layered, wall mosaic. It features a human with one half created in golden pieces and the other half in red and what appear to be yellow flames emanating to that side from the center. The person is encircled by numerous geometric sections around and in front of the middle area of the piece to make an elliptical. Difficult to describe, but it’s pretty cool.
Andy Grammer’s song Lease on Life is a single that was released in 2021. Here are some of the lyrics,
Like a sunrise on the longest night
Like a rescue comin just in time
Yeah you save me when I cannot see the light
Like a heartbeat to a lonely drum
When I thought that that the end had come
You remind me that it’s only just begun
Took my soul down to the water
Mama I came back a different man
Long as we got one another singin ooh ooh ooh
Everything's gonna be alright
Everything's gonna be alright
Got a brand new, got a brand new
Got a brand new lease on life
End quote
This song has a really positive vibe. It’s catchy… it’s one of those energizing songs. I actually added it to my house-cleaning playlist.
In a completely different style, DECAPTACON released the song A New Lease on Life on the album For Those Who Died in 2022.
No, I don’t believe, what you say ’cause I feel
That this makes no sense to me
Why are you showing me things I don’t want to see
And why are you telling me, it's my fault, this misery
Hear my cry
I don’t want to die
Hear my cry
I don’t want to die
For a new lease of life I offer you my sacrifice
You can lay down your strife and get a chance to survive
And as they took the knife, was the point I realized
that I haven’t died and felt pain like I was alive
End quote
These lyrics are really emotional. When I read them, I imagine the heart-crushing choice a parent would have to make of letting their child’s organs give new life to another person. While I don’t know the intended meaning, there are strong themes - suffering, loss, struggle between life and death, and the recognition of sacrifice and its significance in some moments of that new lease on life.
Now, the song is a heavy, thrash metal style - so many wouldn’t know how deep these lyrics are by listening to the song.
Hydraulic Prosthetics: A New Lease on Life is a 2023 book by Mohammad Shehadeh. Here is part of the synopsis from the publisher
Inside this groundbreaking book, you'll discover: The evolution of prosthetics and the disruptive influence HydroWheels Technology brings to the table. A deep dive into the mechanics of hydraulic prosthetics, decoding the science behind water-powered movement and superior user comfort. Ethical and sustainability considerations unique to the development and distribution of prosthetics, setting HydroWheels Technology apart in the commitment to both human welfare and ecological responsibility. And much, much more!
End quote
The website new leash on life dot org, is the online presence for New Leash on Life USA. Their motto on the site reads,
Restore Lives.
Reduce Recidivism.
Rescue Dogs.
End quote
And here is their introduction,
New Leash on Life USA is a Pennsylvania 501(c) (3) non-profit that leverages the powerful bond between humans and dogs to restore hope, healing and well-being to transform lives. With our innovative and unique program model, we rescue at-risk dogs and work with justice-involved individuals in both prison and community settings to create fresh starts.
Our programs are based on animal-assisted therapy, cognitive behavioral therapy, and trauma-informed practices. By providing tools and strategies for changing negative patterns and increased opportunities for meaningful employment, we help our participants succeed as responsible returning citizens. Our rescue dogs go through a training program with their justice-involved trainers and graduate into loving adoptive homes.
End quote
Wrap up:
The feeling of reinvigoration and a renewed excitement for life is incredible. I love this phrase because it does capture the significance of the experience. Like the thrill of a new car or home - but in this case, it applies to everything you own and all of your relationships.
That’s about all we have for today. If you have any thoughts on the show, or pop culture references we should have included, reach out to us on Patreon,, or comment on our website,
It’s patron poll time!
Recently we asked our Patrons, Would you rather live for a year on the moon or in the deep ocean?
While a good number of our patrons would love to visit the creatures of the deep, the preferred vacation destination - with 60% of the votes - is the Moon.
For me, as cool as the deep ocean sounds, and is probably far more realistic, it would be really cool to be in space to get to the moon. Frankly, I don't really want to do either of them for a whole year, but I'd do either of them for a two week visit.
Heather said:
When I was young I thought we'd have moon bases by now; give me the moon, Mars, orbital satellites....anything but the ocean.
End quote
I’d ask to do both! I want to see all those magical deep sea creatures… but I’ve wanted to go to space since I was a kid. Like Heather, I really thought we’d have moon bases by the time I grew up!
And Jan adds:
We'll, those don't sound appealing. I'll pick the moon. At least you'd see sunlight, can see your house from there if you squint, and I suppose it would be pretty cool to say you spent time on the moon.
End Quote
As a reminder, our silly polls mean absolutely nothing and are not scientifically valid. And patrons of all levels, including our free tiers, can take part. Head over to to take this week’s poll!
Thanks for joining us. We’ll talk to you again next week. Until then remember,
Words belong to their users.
Episode 260: New Lease on Life
Record Date: December 23, 2024
Air Date: January 1, 2025
Welcome to Bunny Trails, a whimsical adventure of idioms and other turns of phrase.
I’m Dan Pugh
And I’m Shauna Harrison
Each week we take an idiom or other turn of phrase and try to tell the story from its entry into the English language, to how it’s used today.
Welcome to Season 8 of Bunny Trails!
And if you’ve enjoyed the show, consider heading over to to show your appreciation!
Opening Hook
Some experiences make us look at our life in a whole new light. Something that might be a negative can give us perspective that changes everything. And it doesn’t have to be something negative that can give us this feeling. In fact, even the smallest occurrence can give you a whole new lease on life.
According to Merriam-Webster Dictionary, “new lease on life” means,
a chance to continue living or to become successful or popular again
End quote
The key word in the phrase is lease.
Oxford English Dictionary tells us “lease” is,
figurative with reference to the permanence of occupation guaranteed by a lease; esp. in a (new) lease of life.
End quote
And this is what makes the phrase as meaningful as it is.
This figurative usage of the word lease goes back to as early as the late 1500s. We find it in print in The Collected Works of Mary Sidney Herbert Countess of Pembroke published circa 1595.
Of my graunt they had enjoy'd A lease of blisse with endlesse date.
End quote
How important are prepositions?
Both versions - using on and using of - remain popular in English-speaking regions, so we will not be distinguishing between the two.
We can find this figurative concept of a lease applied to human life in print around the mid 1600s
For that, we will look to John Milton’s An Epitaph On The Marchioness Of Winchester, published in his 1645 collection, Poems.
That to give the world increase, Shortened hast thy own lives lease.
End quote
By the end of that century the full phrase made it into print. John Dryden used it in the piece called Of Pythagorean Philosophy, in his 1700 work, Fables ancient and modern translated into verse from Homer, Ovid, Boccace, & Chaucer, with original poems, by Mr. Dryden
An Infant-Phoenix from the former springs
His Father's Heir, and from his tender Wings
Shakes off his Parent Dust, his Method he pursues,
And the same Lease of Life on the same Terms renews.
End quote;view=fulltext
The phrase has been used to indicate a revitalization of many things, not just human life. Here is one example from the January 1857 edition of the Cincinnati Medical Observer. It includes a list of medical journals, along with commentary regarding each. Here is one,
THE SOUTHERN JOURNAL, at Knoxville, has come to life again. We are glad to see it on our table once more, and trust its new lease on life will be vigorous and permanent.
End quote
The next item comes from The Motion Picture News out of New York City, New York. We look to an article from January 20, 1912.
On the alert to secure film subjects most interesting and valuable to the human race the up-to-date film manufacturers are pressing into service every phase and circumstance of modern institutions.
The world's largest sanitarium for the treatment of tuberculosis is located in the Adirondacks, and is known as the Ray Brook Sanitarium. "A New Lease On Life" is a most appropriate title for a moving picture woven around the experience of a man who by dissipation and failure to follow nature's laws, became the victim of that ravager of the white race, entered the Ray Brook Sanitarium, and by studiously following the rules laid down, he was given a "new lease on life."
End quote
I found this a fascinating piece from history. And there is a little more about it that we will discuss in our behind the scenes which airs every Friday and is available at
Our next excerpt is from an ad in the May 22, 1902 edition of LIFE out of New York, New York. We see an image of a man, playing golf and wearing traditional early 1900s golfing gear. The ad is from The Andrew Jergens Co.
Healthful exercise puts a man on good terms with himself. Followed by a brisk bath he feels - and looks - as if he had a new lease on life.
Woodbury’s Facial Soap
Tones up the muscles, prevents soreness. Gets at the pores, does away with impurities brought out by exercise, leaves skin smooth as a baby’s cheek. Soothing - healing - delightful, it is essentially a skin soap.
End quote
And if you’re wondering if it’s that Jergens… yes, yes it is. Here is a recent note from the company,
In 1901 our Jergens® classic cherry-almond lotion, now known as Jergens® Original Scent, became the best-selling hand lotion in America which remains a favorite to this day.
End quote
Usually, I don’t like to use the same source more than once for a phrase. However, this one was such a great example of the phrase. The late 1930s saw many people seeking to improve their lifestyles and dreaming of a life less troublesome. I suppose this could be said for almost any time in history. Well, the LIFE magazine December 13, 1937 edition was filled with ways for the average American to achieve their hopes and dreams. One article was titled, Miami - A New Lease on Life. It begins,
Miami’s latitude will brighten your attitude toward life - because it’s down in America’s sunswept tropics. Yet Miami is within easy reach of everyone. That’s why hundreds of families will again be in “winter quarters” here from now till spring.
New Lease on Life
Longer stays mean lower average costs, all-season family budgets are much the same as at home. Don’t dismiss this idea with a brief “Oh that’s impossible!” Investigate it thoroughly - it will mean new experiences, new thrills - a new lease on life.
First Aid in planning YOUR Miami vacation - Miami’s new Official Booklets - pictures, living costs, accommodations, sports programs - and it’s yours for the asking.
End quote
This article was an ad for the Chamber of Commerce in Miami. You just mail them the included coupon with name & address to get a copy.
Before we move to more recent items, let’s take a look at the 1963 novel by Belgian author Georges Simenon titled, A New Lease of Life. Here is the synopsis from the publisher.
Maurice Dudon is a bachelor, creature of habit, and a virtual recluse. An otherwise model employee, every Friday, he withdraws funds from the boss's cash register for his furtive, ritualistic visit to "Madame Germaine," followed by the confession he makes with gloomy delight. One day, coming out of his weekly sin, Dudon is hit by a car: it is the punishment of fate, long awaited. He is seriously injured, and the person responsible for his accident pays for the best doctors in a luxury clinic. From the twilight of a slowly easing pain, he sees the comforting figure of his nurse, Anne Marie. As their relationship moved from the purely professional to the highly intimate, Dudon feels like he has a new lease of life. But can he outgrow his old obsessions?
End quote
This is not the type of work that most who are familiar with Simenon would expect. The author published some 500 books. It’s incredible. Many of these were detective stories. So there may be some unexpected twists and turns in this one.
We have several modern uses to cover and we’ll get to those, right after we say thank you to our sponsors.
A Quick Thank You
This episode is sponsored by our amazing Patrons on Patreon. And the cool thing about Patreon is it is 100% free to join the Bunny Trails community!
We have new things every weekday on the feeds. On Monday’s we have a conversation about what movies, shows, books, podcasts and whatever else everyone is enjoying, Tuesday see early access to the weeks podcast, Wednesdays have all the links, books, songs, and other content mentioned in the weeks episode, Thursday has patron’s only polls, and Friday’s are our lightly-edited behind the scenes video featuring all the cut content, goofs, and bonus facts you could imagine.
We’ve got some other pretty cool stuff, too, like Original Digital Artwork once a month, made by ME, and direct access to talk with us. No algorithm’s getting in the way of what we see or don’t see. Plus, you can get awesome name recognition like Pat Rowe does every episode. And our top spot is currently occupied by the amazing Mary Halsig Lopez.
You can join the Bunny Trails community for free at bunny trails pod on Patreon.
Modern Uses
A new lease of life by Joanna Hunter is an article published online by The Times, April 07 2003. Here is some of the piece,
WHAT DO YOU DO when your audience has disappeared — not because people won’t come to your cinema, but because they can’t? This is what happened to the Lux. Due to financial problems East London’s best-loved art house closed its doors suddenly — and apparently permanently — one bleak afternoon in October 2001.
For the independent film world it looked like time to put down the 16mm and sign up to Disney. And then, out of the ashes rose Lux — the company. Lux the centre may have gone, but its archives remained: some 4,000 titles stretching back to the 1920s, largely inherited from the centre’s predecessors, London Film-makers Co-op and London Electronic Arts. Lux mark two, a non-profit company, was formed mainly to give access to the archives. But the problem remained — thousands of films, but nowhere to show them.
So, instead of people coming to Lux, Lux took its films to the people, putting on works in smaller, independent spaces, on a temporary basis, often alongside other projects.
End quote
The phrase was also used in an article published by the BBC News Magazine in 2010. This one titled, A new lease on life? was written by Jon Kelly. Here is a snippet that begins the article,
The "golden age of home ownership" is over, says a report by a distinguished housing organisation. But could the British ever learn to love renting?
End quote
The group MercyMe released the song New Lease On Life as a part of their 2014 album Welcome to the New. Here are some of the lyrics,
Oh Lord remind me of who I am
My chains have been shattered I'm a brand new man
I'm free indeed, I'm dead no more
At my worst I'm still adored
Oh Lord remind me, this is who I am
I've got a new lease on life
They say you only live once
But I live twice
I've got a new lease on life
I've got a new lease on life
End quote
OnWisconsin online has an article in The Arts section titled A Beloved Mosaic’s New Lease on Life. It was originally published in their Winter 2019 edition. Here is a little from the article.
As a mosaic in the busy William H. Sewell Social Sciences Building, Man — Creator of Order and Disorder has been bumped by passersby since its installation in 1963. Last May, the UW brought in Milwaukee conservator Cricket Harbeck to restore the colorful work by James Watrous…, creator of the Memorial Union’s Paul Bunyan murals and other beloved campus art. Armed with a headlamp and brushes, Harbeck returned the piece to its former glory. She even replaced some of the glass tessera tiles with identical versions from Watrous’s original supply. Miraculously, the tiles were still in campus storage, safely packed in Babcock ice cream tubs.
End quote
The piece is a really cool layered, wall mosaic. It features a human with one half created in golden pieces and the other half in red and what appear to be yellow flames emanating to that side from the center. The person is encircled by numerous geometric sections around and in front of the middle area of the piece to make an elliptical. Difficult to describe, but it’s pretty cool.
Andy Grammer’s song Lease on Life is a single that was released in 2021. Here are some of the lyrics,
Like a sunrise on the longest night
Like a rescue comin just in time
Yeah you save me when I cannot see the light
Like a heartbeat to a lonely drum
When I thought that that the end had come
You remind me that it’s only just begun
Took my soul down to the water
Mama I came back a different man
Long as we got one another singin ooh ooh ooh
Everything's gonna be alright
Everything's gonna be alright
Got a brand new, got a brand new
Got a brand new lease on life
End quote
This song has a really positive vibe. It’s catchy… it’s one of those energizing songs. I actually added it to my house-cleaning playlist.
In a completely different style, DECAPTACON released the song A New Lease on Life on the album For Those Who Died in 2022.
No, I don’t believe, what you say ’cause I feel
That this makes no sense to me
Why are you showing me things I don’t want to see
And why are you telling me, it's my fault, this misery
Hear my cry
I don’t want to die
Hear my cry
I don’t want to die
For a new lease of life I offer you my sacrifice
You can lay down your strife and get a chance to survive
And as they took the knife, was the point I realized
that I haven’t died and felt pain like I was alive
End quote
These lyrics are really emotional. When I read them, I imagine the heart-crushing choice a parent would have to make of letting their child’s organs give new life to another person. While I don’t know the intended meaning, there are strong themes - suffering, loss, struggle between life and death, and the recognition of sacrifice and its significance in some moments of that new lease on life.
Now, the song is a heavy, thrash metal style - so many wouldn’t know how deep these lyrics are by listening to the song.
Hydraulic Prosthetics: A New Lease on Life is a 2023 book by Mohammad Shehadeh. Here is part of the synopsis from the publisher
Inside this groundbreaking book, you'll discover: The evolution of prosthetics and the disruptive influence HydroWheels Technology brings to the table. A deep dive into the mechanics of hydraulic prosthetics, decoding the science behind water-powered movement and superior user comfort. Ethical and sustainability considerations unique to the development and distribution of prosthetics, setting HydroWheels Technology apart in the commitment to both human welfare and ecological responsibility. And much, much more!
End quote
The website new leash on life dot org, is the online presence for New Leash on Life USA. Their motto on the site reads,
Restore Lives.
Reduce Recidivism.
Rescue Dogs.
End quote
And here is their introduction,
New Leash on Life USA is a Pennsylvania 501(c) (3) non-profit that leverages the powerful bond between humans and dogs to restore hope, healing and well-being to transform lives. With our innovative and unique program model, we rescue at-risk dogs and work with justice-involved individuals in both prison and community settings to create fresh starts.
Our programs are based on animal-assisted therapy, cognitive behavioral therapy, and trauma-informed practices. By providing tools and strategies for changing negative patterns and increased opportunities for meaningful employment, we help our participants succeed as responsible returning citizens. Our rescue dogs go through a training program with their justice-involved trainers and graduate into loving adoptive homes.
End quote
Wrap up:
The feeling of reinvigoration and a renewed excitement for life is incredible. I love this phrase because it does capture the significance of the experience. Like the thrill of a new car or home - but in this case, it applies to everything you own and all of your relationships.
That’s about all we have for today. If you have any thoughts on the show, or pop culture references we should have included, reach out to us on Patreon,, or comment on our website,
It’s patron poll time!
Recently we asked our Patrons, Would you rather live for a year on the moon or in the deep ocean?
While a good number of our patrons would love to visit the creatures of the deep, the preferred vacation destination - with 60% of the votes - is the Moon.
For me, as cool as the deep ocean sounds, and is probably far more realistic, it would be really cool to be in space to get to the moon. Frankly, I don't really want to do either of them for a whole year, but I'd do either of them for a two week visit.
Heather said:
When I was young I thought we'd have moon bases by now; give me the moon, Mars, orbital satellites....anything but the ocean.
End quote
I’d ask to do both! I want to see all those magical deep sea creatures… but I’ve wanted to go to space since I was a kid. Like Heather, I really thought we’d have moon bases by the time I grew up!
And Jan adds:
We'll, those don't sound appealing. I'll pick the moon. At least you'd see sunlight, can see your house from there if you squint, and I suppose it would be pretty cool to say you spent time on the moon.
End Quote
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