
Wednesday, December 18, 2019

Episode 72: Nothing Ventured

Nothing Ventured, Nothing Gained. Despite its mysterious French roots, this phrase enjoyed some fun variants while making its way to the phrase we use today. So check out the season 2 finale of Bunny Trails cause as they used to say, nothing ventured, nothing have.

Episode 72: Never Ventured Transcript

Accessibility is important. That's why we provide transcripts for the show. Click on Read More for the full transcript.

Wednesday, December 11, 2019

Episode 71: Head Over Heels

Did Davy Crockett coin the term "Head Over Heels in Love"? No.

Does the phrase, "Head Over Heels" have something to do with our head being slightly forward of our heels, despite it being higher? Most likely not.

So where does this phrase come from? Well... buckle up for a fun journey through a variety of ways this idiom was used before we landed on the way we use it today.

Episode Artwork by Rosie Chomet, used with permission. Find her work at

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Episode 71: Head Over Heels Transcript

Click on “Read More” for the full transcript.

Wednesday, December 4, 2019

Episode 70: Take It With A Grain of Salt

This week, Shauna presents some theories and asks you to take them with a grain of salt. Dan knows too much about Pliny the Elder, but not enough about almost anyone else of the time frame. Along the way we talk cooking strategies, American arrogance, and Latin.  #BunnyTrails