
Wednesday, May 15, 2019

Episode 47: On Cloud Nine Transcript

Click on “Read More” for the full transcript.

We used Temi to auto-transcribe this, then Dan went through and checked it based on the show notes. He tried really hard on it, but this kind of stuff isn't his specialty. So if you notice anything confusing, please comment on this post so Dan can look at it and clarify anything.

Dan:                                     00:00                    Welcome to Bunny Trails, a whimsical adventure of idioms and other turns of phrase, I'm Dan Pugh
Shauna:                               00:05                    and I'm Shauna Harrison. Dan, what are all these beautiful sounds going on around us?
Dan:                                     00:10                    Well inspired by Moxie's episode last week on the Your Brain On Facts! podcast where she commented that she had her window open because of the beautiful weather outside. I decided that I wanted to follow in her suit. So as an attempt to one up you Moxie, we are recording outside, just straight up outside on the back deck. Um, but it is beautiful. We have kind of a bird retreat back here and uh, so anyone who is listening, you will hear the audio quality is a little bit different today for this episode because we are one outside and two, there are birds everywhere and it's just a light rain. So you may hear that pitter patter on the roof. So that's, that's what's up Shauna.
Shauna:                               00:56                    Pretty much it's glorious is what's happening. Each week we delve into the origin and history of an idiom or other turn of phrase and discuss how it's been used over time. This often takes us down some fun and interesting research rabbit holes. This week we're talking good vibes and happy times or total elation. Some express these ideas by saying they are on cloud nine.
Dan:                                     01:19                    Oh. So us being outside with the light rain around us means this is the perfect episode for this week,
Shauna:                               01:26                    Yes. This is like... Serendipitous.
Dan:                                     01:28                    Nice.
Shauna:                               01:29                    Yeah. So some believe that this idiom originated with the Buddhist steps of enlightenment and that being on cloud nine was symbolic of the ultimate goal. There are actually 10 levels of enlightenment. So, uh, uh, but the 10 levels of the Bodhisattva which is, um, these are the stages to the path of enlightenment. This is actually how one would achieve Buddhahood.
Dan:                                     01:57                    Buddhahood? Is that what it's called?
Shauna:                               01:57                    yeah. And like becoming, becoming a Buddha.
Dan:                                     02:00                    Yes. Oh, right. Like a teacher.
Shauna:                               02:02                    Yes.
Dan:                                     02:02                    Gotcha.
Shauna:                               02:03                    Well a true Buddha. Yes. Yes. So the cloud of Dharma at this level is the level of...
Dan:                                     02:09                    That was a great show in the 90s right?
Shauna:                               02:11                    Dharma?
Dan:                                     02:12                    Dharma and Greg.
Shauna:                               02:14                    Yeah. Yeah. Wow. That's taken it back.
Dan:                                     02:16                    I know, right?
Shauna:                               02:18                    I don't know what you're talking about. I'm too young to know what that show is.
Dan:                                     02:23                    Shut up, it was in the nineties you are not.
Shauna:                               02:24                    Okay. True.
Dan:                                     02:25                    You were in high school. Well middle school and then high school.
Shauna:                               02:27                    Yeah.
Dan:                                     02:28                    And then high school a little bit in the two thousands anyway, now I feel old. Keep going.
Shauna:                               02:33                    Okay, so the cloud of Dharma and this level is the level immediately before Buddhahood in which the last traces of afflictions are taken away like a cloud that pours rain on the earth. These boat-eh-sav-ah... I'm so sorry people,
Dan:                                     02:48                    I dunno how to say that word either so...
Shauna:                               02:52                    These Bodhisattva spread the Dharma in all directions and each sentient being absorbs what it need, what it needs in order to grow spiritually.
Dan:                                     03:01                    Is it really called Buddha Hood?
Shauna:                               03:03                    It's called Buddha Hood!
Dan:                                     03:04                    I didn't, it is. Come on guys. Cause it could have been a little more original than your naming schemes.
Shauna:                               03:08                    Okay. Well generally you know it's Bodhisattva's not Buddha. I mean like these are the, these, they're the ones who are on the path to become Buddha.They're speaking another language.
Dan:                                     03:21                    Wait, just what's happened is for you to say, is this our weird translation then is that just aren't American translation? Oh yeah. And had it been translated today rather than whenever it was, it would've been like if it were a problem, we would have put the word gate at the end of it and our translation.
Shauna:                               03:34                    Yeah, something like that. Are you referring to a stargate?
Dan:                                     03:37                    No, I'm referring to like Watergate. And waterbottle gate and everything-gate. Like if it's a problem, you put a gate at the end of it. That's literally what our media does.
Shauna:                               03:45                    Oh, yeah.
Dan:                                     03:47                    Have you never noticed that?
Shauna:                               03:49                    I mean I had, I guess I just didn't. Wow.
Dan:                                     03:51                    Like it started with the Watergate Hotel and now we just put 'gate' at the end as a, as a suffix to every problem. If there was a problem with trains it'd be train-gate. I mean like airline-gate. It doesn't matter. It doesn't matter what it is. Oh my tree-gate. The trees are attacking. The Ents have come to life! Old Man Willow.
Shauna:                               04:13                    Oh Geez.
Dan:                                     04:13                    Sorry. I'm rereading The Fellowship of The Ring right now so old man Willow is high in my head.
Shauna:                               04:19                    Gotcha. Uh, so the thing with this though is that the cloud of Dharma is actually the 10th level of enlightenment, not the ninth. So there's that kind of, you know, misstep that doesn't work. Um, but honestly, there just isn't any evidence, um, in, in literature that would support that this is where the phrase started,
Dan:                                     04:39                    Right, so the cloud of Dharma is not where cloud nine comes from.
Shauna:                               04:42                    Probably not.
Dan:                                     04:42                    Gotcha.
Shauna:                               04:43                    But it's fun. Uh, one excellent theory on how we arrived at this phrase is the cloud classification system, which was developed by the father of British meteorology, Luke Howard. This English chemist introduced a series of Latin terms describing the appearance of cloud types. There were four main categories and 10 total cloud types. And number nine on the list is cumulus.
Dan:                                     05:09                    Big white, puffy clouds.
Shauna:                               05:10                    Yes. A cumulus cumulus actually means puffy.
Dan:                                     05:13                    I did not know that.
Shauna:                               05:14                    Yeah. So those are perfect. That's, yeah.
Dan:                                     05:16                    Huh. Interesting. All right, well something new everyday.
Shauna:                               05:20                    So if you imagine those perfect, beautiful, puffy like popcorn, like clouds, those are number nine clouds. And I suppose if you're gonna spend your time on a cloud, then cloud nine seems like a good place to be.
Dan:                                     05:31                    Yeah. Club cumulus. Yeah, absolutely. I mainly, unless you're like Thor and then you want to be on top of like a wall cloud or shelf cloud, you know?
Shauna:                               05:38                    Hmm. True.
Dan:                                     05:39                    Those are the mesocyclones, the big super cells that we get in the Midwest that tornado spawn from.
Shauna:                               05:44                    Do you think that Thor would be on the cloud or like just a part of the cloud?
Dan:                                     05:48                    I imagine him, I imagined Thor, and specifically Chris Hemsworth's Thor from the marvel lineup would be riding it like a chariot ...
Shauna:                               06:00                    Yes, that's what I imagine too
Dan:                                     06:01                    ...pulled by tornadoes and he is just riding. That is, if Thor were to come to the Midwest, that's what would be happening.
Shauna:                               06:09                    Definitely. Yeah.
Dan:                                     06:10                    Because it's America and if he's going to be in America, he's going to do it the American way.
Shauna:                               06:13                    Absolutely.
Dan:                                     06:13                    He's going to ride a mesocyclone with tornadoes pulling him as the, as his chariot and horses.
Shauna:                               06:22                    Definitely. Yeah.
Dan:                                     06:22                    Yeah, that'd be it. Wow. Okay. Now I'm going to need somebody to, uh, illustrate that and throw that up on Twitter. Thanks.
Shauna:                               06:29                    Thank you.
Shauna:                               06:31                    All right. So that theory is wonderful as well. However, this phrase has some history, um, before the system of classification became official. So, um, yeah, or even well known enough to be turned into an idiom. So again, Fun Story and I love the connection there, but that's not quite it. Uh, this...
Dan:                                     06:50                    Oh wait, so that's not it. That's not a real story? Dang it!
Shauna:                               06:54                    I know.
Dan:                                     06:54                    I really wanted it, especially after the whole Thor thing. I really wanted that to be it. Okay, fine.
Shauna:                               07:00                    Yeah, unfortunately. So it has more to do with the word cloud than it does the number. Okay. Um, typically when an idiom or a phrase has a number in it, that's actually where I start looking because there's usually some connection there. Uh, for this one, the number seems to be irrelevant.
Dan:                                     07:16                    Wait, so like you can be like, I'm, I'm cloud two and you're just like, oh well that's, wait, no. Cause I would just be like if someone said they're own cloud 12, I'd be like so "happier than happy". Now it's a rating scale with nine being happy!
Shauna:                               07:26                    Well right now it's like are you just trying to be more extreme or what are we doing here? Actually seven was a very common choice. And, but you also get that like seventh heaven concepts thrown in there.
Dan:                                     07:38                    Seven times 77, seven times 777, right.
Shauna:                               07:40                    Right, and so both seven and nine. Do you have some religious connection, connotations there that kind of
Dan:                                     07:46                    And a Star Trek Voyager reference?
Shauna:                               07:48                    Oh yeah. Nice.
Dan:                                     07:49                    Seven of Nine
Shauna:                               07:49                    Sorry, we're bringing out the nerd card today.
Dan:                                     07:54                    Well it's a Saturday morning
Shauna:                               07:56                    or is that the geek card? I never know which is which, because I think I'm both, so I,
Dan:                                     07:59                    yeah, I don't care.
Shauna:                               08:00                    Yeah. Okay.
Dan:                                     08:02                    In the same way I don't care whether it's an idiom or, um, simile or, um, aphorism. I don't care.
Shauna:                               08:07                    Those are very different things.
Dan:                                     08:09                    Yes. And I also still don't care. Oh yeah. But to somebody who is being pedantic, then the probably geek and nerd are very different things.
Shauna:                               08:16                    That's probably true. Right.
Dan:                                     08:17                    As Helen Zaltzman says, "pedantry is not sustainable."
Shauna:                               08:19                    Thank you Helen. So seven was a common choice and if anything, the correlation between any religious religious significance and the idiom was ascribed to it later on. Um, perhaps that again, that seventh heaven concept and other phrases becoming popular. Um, and in line with that, that just made sense. Uh, but I think we might cover seventh heaven later, so, right. Yeah. So I'm going to move on to cloud. Yeah.
Dan:                                     08:47                    All right, perfect.
Shauna:                               08:48                    So what is the cloud exactly, Dan there you asking me. I am. Do you have a scientific definition because sometimes you pull those out.
Dan:                                     08:57                    Well, probably not. But, I mean it's, it's basically condensed water vapor in the air.
Shauna:                               09:01                    Ah. You like are actually, super accurate?
Dan:                                     09:05                    I mean, my day job is emergency management.
Shauna:                               09:07                    Well, I thought you might know. So. All right, so these days people mainly agree that a cloud is like a poof of dampness in the air. That's my definition.
Dan:                                     09:16                    Oh, I love that. "Poof of dampness". That is, can we go back to before I gave the definition and I give that one instead? That's awesome. It's clouds are kind of like this, a poof of d... poof of dampness. I couldn't even say it without laughing again.
Shauna:                               09:30                    Or, or you could also say it's a grouping of tiny water droplettes. I've found these on the Internet. Actually the poof of dampness was mine and then I found a grouping of tiny water droplettes. Okay. It's a specific word there. He, yeah.
Dan:                                     09:42                    Not droplets, but droplettes?
Shauna:                               09:44                    Yeah. Cause it's a tiny version of droplets.
Dan:                                     09:48                    Guttae tempus, I guess.
Shauna:                               09:49                    Um, but a better definition perhaps thanks to a Oxford English dictionary is "a visible mass of condensed watery vapor floating in the air at some considerable height above the general surface of the ground".
Dan:                                     10:01                    Oh, I see. All right. Yeah. See I wasn't that specific.
Shauna:                               10:04                    No, but I mean you're still accurate.
Dan:                                     10:08                    But I'm not a meteorologist or anything. I'm definitely not trained in like atmospheric sciences. Uh, my job is normally to explain to other people what those scientific things are. So condensed water vapor is good. Yes. Although I might add the visible part. The visible condensed water vapor.
Shauna:                               10:25                    Yeah. That's significant. You know...
Dan:                                     10:27                    I'm going to have to, to the national weather service about that are our rep in the area and see what he thinks,
Shauna:                               10:31                    See what he thinks? Good, good point. Um, the scientific definition for cloud is ah long and scientific.
Dan:                                     10:38                    Way to punt on that one, I'm not reading it cause it's not interesting.
Shauna:                               10:44                    Yeah, it has lots of, well there are lots of, of pieces to it. So that's why we went with uh, that general knowledge version. But the usage for the word cloud can actually be traced back to about 1300 for the current usage of the, you know, the poof of dampness version and a, so in 1340 Richard Rolle in Psalter wrote, "clouds of the air". And I read this because, uh, I then questioned why would we need to specify clouds of the air?
Dan:                                     11:15                    Okay. That's an actually a very good point. Now that you say that, it didn't seem weird to me. I just thought they were just being like flowy as, as old-timey writers we're want to be. But now that you say that, I'm like, oh wait, I don't know. Why did we have to say that?
Shauna:                               11:30                    Yeah, and that's because this is when clouds started being the word 'clouds' started being used to refer to clouds of the air. And prior to that...
Dan:                                     11:40                    Wait, so cloud's meant something else and for like the whatever, 13, whatever you said. 1300 yeah.
Shauna:                               11:46                    Okay. So cloud's had been around for hundreds of years before this. Uh, by that I don't mean...
Dan:                                     11:53                    No, clouds have been around for ALL the time I bet... probably.
Shauna:                               11:53                    I don't mean like the condensed watery vapor, uh, kind, but rather the word 'cloud' and it was attributed to other stuffs. Okay.
Dan:                                     12:00                    Yeah. Right now I'm now, now I'm incredibly interested.
Shauna:                               12:03                    Yeah. And we will talk about that, but first a word from our sponsors.
Dan:                                     12:08                    Oh, I, okay. All right. I see what you're doing here. All right.
Dan:                                     12:11                    Well today's show is sponsored by our patrons on Patreon. You make Bunny Trails possible. We'd like to thank all our patrons and especially our logamorphology interns, Charlie Moore, Pat Rowe and Mary Halsig. is a subscription service that allows you to support content creators you love. It's free to sign up and follow along. If you're in a financial situation that allows for monetary support, you can get additional perks for as little as $1 a month. Features like early access to episodes, behind the scenes content, bonus episodes, and more are all available at
Dan:                                     12:46                    Okay, Shauna, now quick tell me what, what other things were clouds cause I'm super interested.
Shauna:                               12:50                    All right, well, so Oxford English dictionary is going to help us again, pin this down. This is circa 893. So in the eight hundreds, uh, in Orosius' History. Uh, we see the phrase "clouds fellen of the mountain".
Dan:                                     13:06                    Like it meant a mountain or?
Shauna:                               13:09                    It was a mass of rocks or a hill was, was a cloud,
Dan:                                     13:14                    Huh.
Shauna:                               13:15                    Yeah, yeah.
Dan:                                     13:16                    I mean I wonder, I mean surely in the eight hundreds we knew that that was, well, I don't know. Now I'm trying to pin my understanding of a cloud onto their understanding of the cloud, which doesn't work. So I, I'll digress.
Shauna:                               13:28                    Right, they started with this... so, so a cloud was actually like a, so a massive rock. So like a group of rocks or a chunk of rock or anything related to that or chunk of dirt or earth was referred to as a cloud. And so if that was falling from the, from a mountain, then you have this like chunk of earth falling from down the side of a mountain or if it's just sitting there on the ground, it was also a cloud.
Dan:                                     13:53                    Wow.
Shauna:                               13:54                    Yeah.
Dan:                                     13:55                    Wow. So it wasn't the, it wasn't that the mountains where it's that like boulders that fell off of it were clouds, clouds falling from the mountain
Shauna:                               14:02                    and also like hills were referred to as clouds sometimes cause they were like, they probably felt mound of, yeah. And I think I would think also like that disruption in the, maybe in the horizon or I'm not sure where it originally, how it got to there, but I know it got here.
Dan:                                     14:15                    Oh, that's amazing. That sounds like a background for a different podcast. But yeah, right now I just need to learn about it, maybe we'll talk about it on Patreon.
Shauna:                               14:24                    Yeah, there's a whole history of the word cloud and it's fascinating and you should really read about it. If you are as nerdy as me and you'll love how that happens. Um, but it was actually so starting 800 there. Now we go get all the way to the early 13 hundreds, uh, around and, and that's when we started to see clouds of the air up here like that, that one from Rolle. And then around 14, 25, the term clouds started being used a little bit more figuratively. So we have a new definition given "Often rhetorically used in plural." So with the s at the end clouds also, formerly it was used singularly for the same meeting "for the sky or the heavens".
Shauna:                               15:11                    So cloud's was referred you used figuratively to mean the sky or the heavens.
Dan:                                     15:16                    Sure. That makes sense.
Shauna:                               15:17                    Yeah. And the destruction of Troy, uh, this was released in 1540. Um, but potentially written around 1400. Destruction of Troy. The gest hystoriale of the destruction of Troy: an alliterative romance translated from Guido de Colonna's Hystoria Troiana
Dan:                                     15:35                    That's the name of the book?
Shauna:                               15:36                    Yeah, that's the full name.
Dan:                                     15:38                    Boy we really suck at naming books nowadays.
Shauna:                               15:42                    And the quote is, "Was never king under cloud, his knights more loved"
Shauna:                               15:48                    And so that was obviously referring to the whole sky, like under everything
Dan:                                     15:53                    Not just condensed water vapor but the whole atmosphere.
Shauna:                               15:56                    Yes. Other figurative uses for cloud include it meaning a feeling of doom or a sad demeanor, a troublesome time, et cetera. Under a cloud is sometimes used to say that someone is going through a rough time or feeling sad or depressed. And a lot of times you hear people say that there's like a dark cloud. So that's more, you know, you add that sort of negative connotation by including, uh, a defining word or term that might make it, you know, kind of sad.
Shauna:                               16:25                    So all of this has led us to a very interesting juxtaposition of terms where the right combination of the word cloud and a few other words, uh, variably, uh, and you can have various very different meanings coming from a phrase all using cloud in them. So I think that's kind of cool. And also from the Oxford English dictionary In The Clouds, which means "obscure, mystical, fanciful, unreal above the range of ordinary understanding."
Shauna:                               16:56                    And this is generally combining the notions of obscurity and elevation you've got. And then also there are some other colloquial phrases. So on cloud seven or cloud nine is one that's mostly in the United States. But some, another phrase that I found along this one was up in a balloon and I thought that was kind of funny to mean the same thing as kind of that uh, that in the clouds are on cloud seven are on cloud nine
Dan:                                     17:22                    I've never heard on cloud seven So it's very interesting to hear it used that way.
Shauna:                               17:25                    I haven't either, but there were some, some recorded references to it. So in, so Samuel Johnson wrote in The Rambler in 1751, "they pry into the worlds of conjecture and amuse themselves with phantoms in the clouds."
Shauna:                               17:40                    And so this was talking about that, you know, kind of being in a different realm by being in the clouds, being in a different state in an 1832 speech by T. Atwood and this was recorded in Life, "In the clouds were they [ the House of Lords] cradled... In the clouds will they die."
Shauna:                               17:59                    These individuals, the House of Lords, they were born into a different world and will not ever experience the, the same as what we experience. This usage of it in the clouds was more common than on a cloud or on cloud nine in the 16 hundreds to 18 hundreds but had the same meaning. They were used in the same ways and all of these are generally recorded together as, as their meaning and usage being fairly interchangeable.
Shauna:                               18:28                    And so you'll even find that, that there were some translations where they, you one translation used on cloud nine and another trans; used, translation used in the clouds. So then jumping ahead in Joel Relihan's 1933 translation of Apuleius’ The Golden Ass, or, A Book of Changes , we see it used somewhat sarcastically… which is fitting if you are familiar with the tale.
Dan:                                     18:57                    I am not.
Shauna:                               18:58                    The Metamorphoses of Apuleius , which Augustine of Hippo referred to as The Golden Ass (Asinus aureus),
Dan:                                     18:58                    Right, that's the donkey version, by the way...
Shauna:                               18:58                    Yes... Is the only ancient Roman novel in Latin to survive in its entirety. The protagonist of the novel is called Lucius. At the end of the novel
Dan:                                     18:58                    That's such a great name!
Shauna:                               18:58                    Uh, at the end of the novel he is revealed to be from Madaurus, the hometown of Apuleius himself. The plot revolves around the protagonist's curiosity and insatiable desire to see and practice magic. While trying to perform a spell to transform into a bird, he is accidentally transformed into an ass. This leads to a long journey, literal and metaphorical, filled with, uh, various inset tales. He finally finds salvation through the intervention of the goddess Isis, whose cult he joins.
Dan:                                     19:30                    Gotcha.
Dan:                                     19:53                    As was common at the time. This was an allegorical story, um, pro most likely commenting on politics or politicians of the era, which is why that satire, uh, is, is fantastic. And this is the quote. "What would you look at this? She says she tries to impress my pity by the appeal of her swelling belly that she would make me a blessed grandmother, don't you know, by her glorious offspring. So this would put me on cloud nine to be called grandmother. When in the flower and vigor of my age to have the son of some cheap handmaiden called Venus grandson."
Shauna:                               20:28                    And it continues...
Dan:                                     20:30                    So On cloud nine she says here,
Shauna:                               20:31                    yes,
Dan:                                     20:32                    I like it.
Shauna:                               20:33                    Here we have another example of our idiom, but with the number seven and this is from 1963 this is in the Times "Instead of cloud seven philosophy, we got something much more materialistic."
Dan:                                     20:45                    If had started this research myself, I also would have started with it probably with the number and been like, you know, looking at the number and they'll, the name used together. So it was very interesting to me that this has taken a, an interesting turn to move into, um, a spot where I thought it meant one thing the whole time, but really the number is less relevant. And cloud seven is also equally or was at one time equally used.
Shauna:                               21:12                    Well, yeah. And that was in 1963 which was what that was...
Dan:                                     21:17                    Right, that's not that long ago
Shauna:                               21:17                    Yeah. Yeah, definitely.
Dan:                                     21:18                    I was not alive yet, but I mean my parents were alive at that point. Yeah. All right. So tell me a little bit about how this is used. Uh, today.
Shauna:                               21:27                    So this is from the July 2nd, 2018 from Billboard. And a, this is by Gary Graff wrote this, "The musical Ain't Too Proud: The Life and Times of The Temptations is marching towards Broadway, and the group's Otis Williams is on , well, cloud nine about how things are going with it so far.”
Shauna:                               21:48                    And that was from his article, Otis Williams on the Success of 'Ain't Too Proud: The Life and Times of The Temptations' Musical and the Group's New Album
Shauna:                               21:55                    Generally we see on cloud nine use today to express excitement or this celebratory mood. Uh, though occasionally it's used to describe an alternative state of consciousness. Uh, I did find a definition for that on urban dictionary.
Dan:                                     22:10                    Oh, no,
Shauna:                               22:11                    I know, but it wasn't, it wasn't the top three. Um, and so that, that tells me that actually not that many people use it that way, even even today. Um, uh, but I, I do want to share from urban dictionary because the top three examples are a perfect representation of our idiom. The first definition that was given was actually heaven or a utopia of pleasure. And, uh, the example was we were floating on cloud nine was also used to say a state of total euphoria. Um, and this example was after winning the lottery, he was on cloud nine.
Dan:                                     22:51                    I'd be on cloud 10. Actually, I don't know which one 10 was in that list that you gave earlier.
Shauna:                               22:57                    That was the cloud of Dharma.
Dan:                                     22:59                    So no, no, no, not the, not those.
Shauna:                               23:02                    Oh, the cumulus... Cumulonimbus cumulonimbus would've been 10.
Dan:                                     23:07                    Oh, oh yeah. I'm cool with that.
Shauna:                               23:09                    Like the stormy stormy clouds.
Dan:                                     23:11                    Yeah. Yeah, I'm good with that.
Shauna:                               23:13                    The uh, so uh, definition number three, the state of being out of your head because you have recently fallen in love. My friend Elena decided to make more calculus classes because she was out of her mind on cloud nine. I don't know why that leads you to take more calculus.
Dan:                                     23:31                    Maybe... Obviously
Shauna:                               23:32                    I'm mean, for me...
Dan:                                     23:32                    Obviously Shauna. This is because the person that she has fallen head over heels for is in the calculus classes are in the math classes
Shauna:                               23:43                    Oh, clearly
Dan:                                     23:44                    so I was like most Elena is now taking several more classes than she ever wanted to because the object of our desire is also taking said classes.
Shauna:                               23:54                    That is some serious insight. You've got going. Oh my goodness. I was like, maybe somebody, maybe Elena likes calculus as much as I do.
Dan:                                     24:01                    No, no. You were clouded by your love of calculus that you couldn't understand Elena's love for this person.
Shauna:                               24:07                    Jeez. Okay. So at living on cloud underscore nine on Twitter, uh, this is living on cloud nine at tips for finding bliss every day. I'm Andrea Nine mother lifestyle blogger, chef Fashionista, smitten with the mitten gal doing my best to find bliss every day. Yeah.
Dan:                                     24:29                    Oh Wow. So that's another, that's two episodes in a row where we have featured somebody who, uh, had a nice play on their name.
Shauna:                               24:36                    Yeah.
Dan:                                     24:36                    We talked about Jenny Lam last week, who by the way has Google alerts set on her and uh, then saw the episode when it popped up. So then she retweeted it. So thank you very much Jenny. We are fans of yours and I'm glad that you were a fan of ours as well.
Shauna:                               24:50                    Yes. Uh, Dan did a great job on last week's episode.
Dan:                                     24:54                    Yes. While you were on the lamb now with this beautiful stuff and now that you're back, I'm floating on cloud nine, so we can continue.
Shauna:                               25:01                    Ah, um, also at N-Y-N-A bug. So I'm guessing that's Nina bug. Uh, and she, her name though is on cloud nine-uh. Oh, maybe it's NynaBug. Oh my goodness. Yes. What is wrong with me?
Dan:                                     25:17                    It's obvious NynaBug <NINE-A-Bug>
Shauna:                               25:19                    That's a cute name also by the way. Nyna Bug's. The cutest thing that's happened. Okay. Surviving and or thriving climate, weather junkie. Meowied with children, j/k they're cats.
Dan:                                     25:34                    Oh, I see. She is puntastic
Shauna:                               25:35                    I love you Nyna Bug and I'm sorry I butchered your name before.
Dan:                                     25:40                    We need to go follow here. I want to see if she posts many puns as She uh,
Shauna:                               25:42                    Has just in her bio, right?
Dan:                                     25:44                    Yeah. I'm in, we're going to go follow this girl.
Shauna:                               25:46                    Yes. And then, uh, finally from Twitter, this is a @Kristine. Uh, okay. So I'm going to just spell this one cause it's with a k. So at K, r I. S. T. I. N. E. E. S. P. I. N. O. O. She posted I'm on cloud nine with hearty face and hearts. And uh, this is accompanied with a picture of a giant pile of candy mute. Is that a cloud of candy?
Dan:                                     26:16                    No. No, it's all just milk chocolate. Okay. All of it is chocolate. It's and, and not even, not even cocoa, but like milk chocolate. There's um, Hershey's and there's um, um, Toblerones and
Shauna:                               26:30                    those are good.
Dan:                                     26:31                    Uh, there's some Cadbury's dairy milk, uh, Eminem's there's some things in the background that I can't quite make out because I'm getting old and I don't have my reading glasses on. So
Shauna:                               26:41                    could be like Werther's.
Dan:                                     26:43                    No, I don't think it's where there's, cause everything else is chocolate. That's milkduds.
Shauna:                               26:47                    Oh, there's the ones that are wrapped all pretty, it starts with an eight, an f... furr... Chocolates. Oh, those truffles or something. So good.
Dan:                                     26:57                    No idea.
Shauna:                               26:58                    All right. I love on cloud nine ah still, it's still used in a similar way even though the phrase hasn't been consistent. Um, you know, when we're saying were on cloud nine, everybody's happy. And I think that's great. Um, and it's, you know, I just like, I kind of like celebrating. So there's that.
Dan:                                     27:15                    She was like parties. I can attest to that.
Shauna:                               27:18                    Uh, in this idiom we're representing a concept or a feeling and it's something that we can describe, but it's harder to give a very specific, uh, actual definition for feelings and concepts. And so I love when we can use language to express something and it brings everyone together when trying to define it would actually just kind of would be more challenging, um, and, and actually make it harder for people to understand one another. So, well, that about wraps us up for today. I'd also like to say a big thank you to those who've posted reviews for the show. It's the easiest way to support your favorite podcast. Best of all, it's free. If you have a suggestion for an idiom or other turn of phrase or you just want to chat, you can catch us on Twitter and Instagram and occasionally even on Facebook, all @bunnytrailspod or you can get links to everything we do at
Dan:                                     28:15                    well this is episode 47 and we are almost to our big milestone, which means you are running out of time to help us tell your story. Uh, is there a turn of phrase that means something important to you or your family? Then we want to hear about it so you reach out to us on social media or email us We'd love to hear about your favorite phrase and why you love it. The deadline to send your stuff is Sunday, May 26th it can be written or you can send an audio file or send us a message and we'll reach back out to you. Most of all, we want to know what turns of phrase are important to you. And why, so let us know. It does not have to be English, by the way. I know we do English stuff here, but if you want to talk a little bit about what a, an idiom or a phrase that's important to you or your family means, and it's in another language, we would also love to hear that. So definitely send that. If you've got an example of that, thanks again for joining us. We'll talk to you again next week. And until then, remember,
Together:                           29:12                    words belong to their users.

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